Sunday, 17 April 2016

Word and Image falling vol. 2

And here is another very interesting news article from the polarized cacophony that is modern medias, and notice that this is an RT news story, again, as I regularly check also what the Eastern machine is saying, and I have to say the world we live in does appear to be like the trans-postmodernist visions of some of the worst/best acid heads of the last century: dire times of impending catastrophe, sauve qui peut, word an image falling, smell of burnt film, the nostalgia going stale as the heavy corporate issue boots trample on the discarded pics that litter the suburban cobble stone streets, the memories as illusory as lacking in reference, and these photos, pocked marked by the burns, collateral distortion of the run-down empty message still aired as the earth is scorched, like the stones missing from the pavement, fundamental holes in the structure, you see, you can observe, when you turn off of the main street, see behind the scenic props of this system now shaking down to its core, the master narratives are slowly falling,


Tämän reportaasin yhteydessä on hyvä palauttaa mieliin, että jos kerta Snowden paljastukset olivat Venäjän käsialaa, kuten Saksan kotimaan turvallisuuspäällikkö tuntuu ajattelevan*, koska ne olivat hankalia Lännelle, voisi olettaa, että Panamavuodot ovat niin sanotusti länsiklikin agendan mukaisia, ainakin siinä miten ne julkisuuteen tuotiin*1...
Tosin on syytä myös huomioida, että Panamavuodot voivat olla osaltaan osa paljon suurempaa kuviota, jolla maailman tilannetta pyritään rauhoitamaan. On varsin selvää että kurjistaminen ja eriarvoistuminen on tuonut monet maat jo sisällissodan partaalle, ja on omistavan luokankin etu, ettei yhteiskuntarauha järkkyisi. Voi itse asiassa olla, että tässä yritetään jo ennalta hallita kriisiä, jonka laajuus on vasta paljastumassa*2&*3.
Maailmantalouden kriisiytymisestä johtuva herkkyys, ja talousklikkien välinen maailmansota eivät sovi hyvin yhteen, eivät varsinkaan ilmaston lämpenemisen ennätysvuoden kanssa.
Se mikä on totta, on loppuviimein se, ettei bittirahaa voi syödä, ja ihmiset ovat yhtä kuin yhteiskunta. Jos systeemimme kaatuu, me voimme neuvotella toisen, paremman systeemin, jos emme tapa toisiamme ensin.


Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Inverted transcendence

Always evolving beyond the natural of physics,
we can no longer tell the difference
but know that it’s growing
whatever it may be

Must have been simpler
to foresee God’s open arms
like a paved way
to transcend
with mellow tranquility

My thoughts exactly
as I paved the way
with a joint
waiting for the shrooms

to reinvent existence,
slightly cheating
if you ask the ascetics,
I don’t

My rules are written
on the blank canvas
of the background space

but I can’t agree
to being born that way
You see, a child is more
like everything than nothing

The position, in stead, is blank,
a child would have to agree,
there are no familiar shapes
in the topography everything
from an all new perspective

The strangest thing is nothing,
all too familiar,
ultimately like a homing beacon
making everything an illusion
that’s the homogeny at work,
unfolding desolate

I would suggest that further
dimensions are natural,
it must have felt like
even the third was paranormal
when the child discovered
the world wasn’t a canvas

Others aren’t still convinced,
they say all is but God
and no further discussion is required
or welcome

that we have been shut
into ourselves
for the coming eternity;
the soul is an individuation
and because it’s ideal
it’s infinite

I just can’t agree,
a bummer it would be
I suggest rather use the back door,
it’s open if you are
just look inside

but don’t expect nothing,
expect everything,
dosed according to the whim of winds

It’s not beyond
but below

You see,
grace, the soul
is always assigned
to outer characteristics,
some observable trait;
She’s kind and loving, see,
but doesn’t fool me

The soul is an illusion if something,
a shroud worn for the occasion of death,
but you can never tell
when the spectre comes,
so you are always dressed to go

Unless it caught you
on a bad moment,
pants down,
as if you weren’t eternal
on the moments of release
and relieve

It’s the animal that dies,
they say, leaving nothing
but it’s the animal
that has been
and can never be undone

You see, time is movement
and the animal moves
even if you didn’t
but you’re no stone angel,
are you?

And even if I sit here,
I might have escaped,
beneath that shroud,
unworthy but transcending cumulatively
for more regions to come

Cut off like you
and alone

but I allow for more
than just myself.

Monday, 4 April 2016

On Animation

This blistering voice
in the sound, the atmosphere
layers of frequencies and murmur

I am tolerant only if I don't  fall to fear
but that happens as well

and jagged hands have touched 
the sensitized skin

both hands and skin mine
seething with rebellious cells
like all of us seeing their own dreams

feeling the sonic drill in this here timespace cone
and where do sound and light come blurred with
sour teeth and tea

-- Here -- 

so let me be crawled 
and coiled
in hunting the history
of the life I have

orienteering into the future
and myth, mechanics and code

this cipher

and live, be animated
on command,
let eons flow;
arrays of mountainous tops
peaking in waves of perspective
that amount to perception

and bring together
the disjointed fragments
that still hold sentry over me 
lest I walk away
from this isolation

and leave the self be individual
in someone else's body
to scatter in entropy

and we, then together and free,
untie the cropped interfaces
that damned and doomed
all oceans, archipelago
and continents
dividable into separation
only in our calculus and measure
as we brake numbers and entities
into infinite decimal

let quanta become a current
where palimpsest waves
and all become animate
on the command
of my decision
that I refuse individuality

like I would refuse incarceration
into fantastic prisons

like I wouldn't walk
right through
undetectable walls.

No, really
sometimes I sleep ashamed
that I let myself be thus molested
and forced to interact
with alien separatist figment.

(If the self was not an immaterial soul
that animates the matter of the body,
as like that of the world,
is it then an accumulation matter uses
to gain a perspective into itself?)