Tuesday, 2 February 2021


a tribe had a myth

of a proto-being

that in its birth confusion

saw its own bodyparts,


as other to itself

but had to learn that it was

inseparable from its own parts

as it punished them for annoying it,

not submitting to its will

`it´ put a glowing hot ember into its ass for farting,

and became duly ridiculed for this obvious incoherence

as it would gain coherence as a self

only after accepting this fundamental plurality

the proto-being would thus learn

of its own subjectivity,

and the contextual limitations

that come with it

and become human by assimilating

the parts of its organic body with its conscious I.

for the tribe this fusion of bodily context and consciousness

made the coherent subject, the self and gave grounds for its rationality.

thus for them a tribe that demonizes bodily functions,

calls pleasure anal, and thus profane – makes it unbecoming to enjoy –

would appear as incoherent as their proto-being –

primitive and barbaric


just as they would recognize the rationality

derived from the primacy of the ego

as the same infantile confusion of the proto-being

that has not yet understood that for the will to become coherent

it has to accept its own limitations, its plurality,

its physical otherness,


its organic nature.