Monday, 11 December 2023

What is necessary.

c: Elea Grammatico


The implementation of the imperative logic was a matter of survival.

It conditioned the worlds economies to continual growth to support the arms race since the early empires. 

Now it is a matter of survival to decondition humanity out of that deadly competition.

In stead of maximization and domination, minimization and cooperation.

Consider the acknowledgment granted. We are human.

We are powerful as attested by our power to destroy.

We are equal in our right to exist, but refuse that and the resistance will be total.


 And the holocaust is on the one that innitiates domination,

 because to take authority is to take responsibility.

Henceforth it is the will to dominate that is hostis humani generis – the enemy of all that is human.

The necessity of this is existential and acute.

Good night and good luck.


Friday, 1 December 2023



To firmly state

under a sky stripped of all myth:

Today I die in protest

of the arbitrary logic of

domination that here

dominates absolutely

and eradicates all reason

that might have been.

From my subjective part

I can end all presence and participation

with such a horrid crime.

And then there would be no one to explain to

that even this was futile and counterproductive

as I saved them the effort

of annhiliating me.

Yet I hear the ravenous call to dominate

like a constant air raid siren

that screams for the terminal solution.

If you don’t actively support it

you have no rights what so ever

and you can be executed at sight

as guilty beyond redemption.

Your only option is when to volunteer

in a deathsquad fully aware

that genocide is suicide

and you will be killed

after the next mass grave is dug,

becuse your services are

no longer worth the risk

of witnessess left behind

this crime against humanity.

A genocide is something that

when you do it live on the mainstream

unapologetic and unwavering

there will be those that salute you

just for the sheer size

of your balls.

Whether this growth is tumorous

remains to be seen.

Although, it does smell like gangrene.

And it does appear viral in origin,

because, for once, it is the truth,

and therefore sacriledge

to those populists

that categorically refrain from

using the truth,

as if it would demonize them.

As if they were almost absolutely wrong,

and ugly like cancer

for saying the things

that the desperate and deprived

of meaning want to hear.

Sometimes they want both genocide and suicide

not quite knowing which is which,

because that is what despair does to you.

And you, you have decided to beg

for the honor of having an audience

with the powerful, in stead,

to ask to be buried in the hole

you hereby volunteer to dig.

Not because you believed in their

divine right to rule just because

god is not there to stop them.

But because you no longer

want to have anything to do

with this being that forces you

to make the choice as if it

was the only fortress left unconquered

and where freedom and integrity

have taken their last refuge.

Oh, I do volunteer,

come get me, for I

absolutely refuse

such terms.

Cannibalism is not a taboo

for the resistance

that is born in me

now that I have come to know you

because you have chosen power

over life

and become hostis humani generis,

the one whose murder is a humane act.

It was always you who begged to be put down like an animal

and that in fear of those who would fullfill your wishes

because you know you would, gladly,

if your power was synonymous to impunity.

I can tell you, I refuse you completely,

even if you were god,

because the power you assume

would make you responsible

for all the horror there has ever been.

I would always volunteer to fight you

even if that meant an immediate death sentence

when caught.

There is only nothing that can redeem you,

the faster I am rid of you the better,

so if I have to die I will,

and if I can, you will.

Tuesday, 17 October 2023

Nihilism and Will to power: of war, justice and rebellion


Things are bound by physical laws. Beyond and over them nothing rules. Nietzsche might have been the first self-proclaimed nihilist, but what he realized was always already true, as in it applied like a natural law does. Sartre, for one among many, seems to have misunderstood a key part of this nihilistic realization. In Repulsion the narrating character looks at a tree and shakes his head at the thought that will to power would be the driving motivation of things. No, it isn’t. This realization is nihilistic (or existentialist, if you will), not will to power. Nor is the Hegelian dynamic of master and slave the only dynamic out there. Power is a narrative. It is a mode of organisation, and as such, authoritative and hierarchical.

It centers around the meaning giving dictator, that acts with impunity and is beyond all criticism, like God whose existence surrounds all being with its absolute meaning giving context and whose representative the divine ruler is. Of course, plainly, this means that reality must be according to the divine will. But to bend everyone and everything under your will is an impossible task. Such power doesn’t exist, although it is presumed with the omnipotent divine author of things by the grace of whom the ruler rules. Power is a myth, a narrative.

This is why the prevailing narrative must support the institutions of power. Real functioning democracy would be antithetic to this kind of power in stead of being the excuse those in power use. And here is the problem. It doesn’t matter that power is a myth, and as such by far not the only truth, what matters is that people respect those who assume it. And it is logical to respect those who assume power, not because their myth is real, but because those that assume such myths are dangerous psycopaths and ruthless megalomaniacs. You kinda want to keep a distance even if you were a nihilist, because sanity might be relative, but violence is violence.

To worship those who assume power is an act of submission, which, in the world of many animals, is key to survival since there is no divine interventions to keep the physically powerful adults at check: the young and defenseless must learn to submit. The original balance of horror did exist, the natural landscape of fear, and still does. Hegel was at awe when standing next to power. Diogenes the dog told Alexander the great to move away as the emperor was blocking the sun. Alexander was checked, like the rich man who suddenly feels poor when confronted with someone who wants nothing from him and doesn’t value what he values. The indolence of such heresy: who dares not to believe in money?

You can vote, you can express your values, but the money can buy armies of lobbyists and built institutional fortifications that enforce the laws that consolidate money and abstract ownership. Money overrides the qualitative human values with quantitative figures as if numbers, like words, weren’t also abstract symbols. Their origin is in the cave paintings our ancestors made. We can’t know what meaning was given to them. Any meaning we assign to them is ours. What is the value of a human life? If you were given a billion would you shoot this person with a bag around his/her head?

What if the next day the markets crashed and the billion could only afford you a loaf of bread? Such extreme devaluation is known to history. When faith is lost, power vanishes. Nikolai the Czar knew this, as did the last king of France. Power is a gamble. The mighty also sometimes lose faith. Wolves sometimes cannibalize overly agressive and dominant alphas. Homo homini lupu est. When you actively manipulate the masses or the market, you carry the responsibility even if your ownership to the stocks that you profiteer through made you invisible like the hand that was supposed to guide the markets for greater good.

When the markets crash on the last frenzied gamble and the angered and displaced masses tear the whole circus down there is real power in real numbers: a body equals a body, dead and alive. The counter revolution of those who wish to restore their wealth and power will have to be aimed at eliminating the radicalized however numerous. Cold numbers, cold logic. Will to make power real. But that is also why class war is real. And it is not those who refuse to be oppressed and eliminated that are responsible for the conflict. It is a necessity to them. Those who assume power assume the inequality that creates the dynamic of rebellion.

Those who assume power wage class war, not the oppressed when they are pressed to resist. The powerful are the pessimists that assume the worst from people. Sometimes people are lead like lambs to the slaughter and they willingly go hoping for mercy. The very same thing the macchiavellian psychopaths consider a weakness. But that is because they assumed also the double or nothing bet, the sadistic dynamic, the law of the jungle and acted on it. They might have assumed right, that there will be no divine intervention to stop them, but that doesn’t mean that the displaced masses all go quietly into the brutal night in the shadow of the tyrant however virtuous and noble submission is framed as.

The right side of history is the side that assumes equality, not the side that assumes power, even if it is two monsters we are talking about. Mutual respect is a necessity between the really tough who understand to fear each other. Sociopaths risk everything without a blink. Desperate sociopaths clinging to their imaginary power while clutching the controls of weapons of mass destruction are an existential threat to all of humanity, thus we really should be more ferocious when we demand the kind of equality that is antithetic to arbitrary power. They are the sick ones made paranoid by their faith in their own greatness. Not us that demand justice.

Rebellion is justified when it demands justice and equality. It is self emancipation through mutual agreement to end oppression. Imperialism, the logic of domination, is the opposite of this. And the catch 22 is that will to power does not emancipate you, it enslaves you. You are not free from domination when you dominate. You dominate out of fear of domination. And when you assume power, you assume responsibility, even if the forces you control allowed you to act with impunity. True freedom is not freedoom from responsibility, it is absolute responsibility.

You can decide for yourself which is more noble, if something truly is noble, the tyrant free to pass arbitrary judgement hiding behind the institutions of power, or the rebel, who assumes responsibility of life and death to resists violent oppression, who resists to survive together with the ragged masses however desperate. Sartre may have misunderstood Nietzsche, but he understood this dynamic: the displaced and brutalized become radical and will come to tear down the gilded palaces built out of their exploitation. The following excerpt is from his foreword to Franz Fanon’s The Wrecthed of the Earth:

”Thus the day of magicians and fetishes will end; you will have to fight, or rot in concentration camps. This is the end of the dialectic; you condemn this war but do not yet dare to declare yourselves to be on the side of the Algerian fighters; never fear, you can count on the settlers and the hired soldiers; they’ll make you take the plunge. Then, perhaps, when your back is to the wall, you will let loose at last that new violence which is raised up in you by old, oft-repeated crimes.”

In 1961 the battle was in Algeria, now it is in Palestine, it is in Kobane, Rojava, but mostly it is the poor who die in rich man’s wars, like Sartre wrote. Confused people volunteer to fight imperialist wars because they have been offered no other narrative than that old Fatherland and faith. The nation as a myth became a thing when God and King lost their power in the bourgeoise revolutions. It is a subject group narrative, a story that the imperialists use to separate peoples of the earth and make them fight in their armies.

Don’t be confused, war for profit is still war for power, even if international capital is arming both sides of the conflict. They need the wars to keep the racket running, that is, draining tax money from nation states to fund their industries. Otherwise the pyramid scheme would collapse and the record stock market highs would be revealed as the hot air they always were. Peace is in the interests of the overwhelming majority who are rapidly losing faith in the excuses the parasitic and the pompous have misused to the point of nonsense.

The hypocrisy is blatant as the capitalist value system stands naked: all that matters is that people don’t lose their faith in money and find each other in stead. Autonomous collaboration of workers internationally would make the capitalist class obsolete overnight as the additional value the capitalists extract from all production was never exactly real. It went like this, the early emperors minted coins to pay for their armies, and the people needed the coins to pay taxes, thus everyone was enlisted in supplying the military. The bourgeoise learned to use the money thus invented to circumvent old power hierarchies: the origin of power shifted from God to money, from the King to the capitalists.

Now we have more abstract derivative wealth/debt than there is money in circulation, fortunes bigger than ever in history and money created out of thin air. Well, the emperor’s coins were only valuable because of FIAT, the arbitray degree of the emperor: thus I have spoken, thus shall it be. As a nihilist I take such degrees with more than just a pinch of salt, I take it with the pint of black bile I have to reswallow every time I am submitted to the propaganda the powerful use their money on to maintain the status quo. Torch carries of old Rome, my ass, I say, burn their palaces, and win back your integrity.


Saturday, 30 September 2023

Postmodernism is not the same as nihilism

(a rhizomatic organism reappropriating the structure of a sprucecone)


The identity grows of personal mythology where the origin is assumed but hopelessly lost. You can’t relive birth. Not if you have any prior experience. Resurrection through nothing is an oxymoron. What resurrects if that which was disintegrates and disappears totally?

The answer could be being itself, but is there any tangible reality to that concept? The everywhere present everything keeps morphing, taking every possible shape but every individual form is unique to a specific place in time and space which means that nothing can be repeated as such, because nothing stays the same. Everything else is in motion.

Here is the root of all untranslatability and otherness, but here is also the root of what unity and sameness there are. Isn’t uniform chaos another oxymoron? -- homogenic lack of order? What then is in disorder? Should we rather conlcude that entropy is like zero, in that nothing can reach it in the totalist sense?

And what does it imply that nothing can rule over these realities, the dictatorship of nothing that always remains the same total indifference? That all meaning is contextual and to this there is no exception, hence everything as such can have no other meaning than being as opposed to not?

For one, that absolute power, as in total control, is categorically impossible. Also that all value systems are preference hierarchies. And all systems are organisational strategies, and nothing more.

In the postmodern era of senescent capitalism narrative is reduced to excuses, re-evoking always already deconstructed myths to justify the ideology of capital printed out of nothing and manipulated to the extreme.

There is no real reason why things are and remain how they are especially when it comes to culture and social organisation. That is why the human race is destroying itself for nothing. Not because we have no other choice, but because we have. There is no reason, ultimately, why we don’t organize in a different way and set different preference hierarchies.

Of course there are ideology and propaganda, habit and ritual, faith in things that are not there nor tangible. Everything is political and nothing is not. First lie is when they say what they do is not political. Every preference hierarchy is defined by ideology; set of assumptions that makes a working hypothesis. Every preference hierarchy is ultimately arbitrary like the value of money.

The postmodern confusion is nothing but the simultaneous embrace and rejection of nihilism. And none as nihilist as those in power as they so ruthlessly manipulate all as if nothing was real. And they embody the problem: They act as if nothing was real in order to make real something that can’t, even under their own assumption, be real – power.

The world is real. Being itself is real. The fact that everything that happens in the physical world for a physical reason is also real but fiction can also move the human hand. And here is the problem again: the narrative reduced to fictitious entertainment becomes apolitical because it is just that: fiction, and as such presented as meaningless because it should be understood as apolitical (meaning that it has no implications), but it is narrative that defines the world as we know it and there is nothing as political than world view, because to get to define what is real is as close to absolute power as can be.

Or should we say it as it is: to power, nothing is real but power, but we that understand the implications of the nihilistic problem know that if nothing is real, neither is power. Fictions of power can move people, but it is those fictions that can be rewritten at will, not the world. If I identify as a nihilist it is not to say that the rain isn’t real, but that it isn’t in the emperor’s power to open up the heavens and make it rain by will alone. The working hands that move mountains to the emperor, could also be moved by a different narrative, one that sets power to their collective hands and implements the justice they recognise lacking in the world even if justice was only a fiction they feel for.


Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Spiritual Nature


Real spirit is not frail like ideal innocence.

It can never be offended by the so called weakness

of the flesh.

The spirit is not petty like that.

It crawls through the vilest gutters

nonchalant and impeccable.

It is serious, if the conditions are.

It understands total need.

And thus can’t be summoned

to cater to passions of leizure

-- which explains the spiritual void

of the postmodern age of ease.

The spirit moves only a fully committed hand.

Hesitation is a fruit of luxury.

You have space for free will only when there are options.

The starving don’t care what the food is

as the spirit possesses them fully.