(a rhizomatic organism reappropriating the structure of a sprucecone)
The identity grows of personal mythology where the origin is assumed but hopelessly lost. You can’t relive birth. Not if you have any prior experience. Resurrection through nothing is an oxymoron. What resurrects if that which was disintegrates and disappears totally?
The answer could be being itself, but is there any tangible reality to that concept? The everywhere present everything keeps morphing, taking every possible shape but every individual form is unique to a specific place in time and space which means that nothing can be repeated as such, because nothing stays the same. Everything else is in motion.
Here is the root of all untranslatability and otherness, but here is also the root of what unity and sameness there are. Isn’t uniform chaos another oxymoron? -- homogenic lack of order? What then is in disorder? Should we rather conlcude that entropy is like zero, in that nothing can reach it in the totalist sense?
And what does it imply that nothing can rule over these realities, the dictatorship of nothing that always remains the same total indifference? That all meaning is contextual and to this there is no exception, hence everything as such can have no other meaning than being as opposed to not?
For one, that absolute power, as in total control, is categorically impossible. Also that all value systems are preference hierarchies. And all systems are organisational strategies, and nothing more.
In the postmodern era of senescent capitalism narrative is reduced to excuses, re-evoking always already deconstructed myths to justify the ideology of capital printed out of nothing and manipulated to the extreme.
There is no real reason why things are and remain how they are especially when it comes to culture and social organisation. That is why the human race is destroying itself for nothing. Not because we have no other choice, but because we have. There is no reason, ultimately, why we don’t organize in a different way and set different preference hierarchies.
Of course there are ideology and propaganda, habit and ritual, faith in things that are not there nor tangible. Everything is political and nothing is not. First lie is when they say what they do is not political. Every preference hierarchy is defined by ideology; set of assumptions that makes a working hypothesis. Every preference hierarchy is ultimately arbitrary like the value of money.
The postmodern confusion is nothing but the simultaneous embrace and rejection of nihilism. And none as nihilist as those in power as they so ruthlessly manipulate all as if nothing was real. And they embody the problem: They act as if nothing was real in order to make real something that can’t, even under their own assumption, be real – power.
The world is real. Being itself is real. The fact that everything that happens in the physical world for a physical reason is also real but fiction can also move the human hand. And here is the problem again: the narrative reduced to fictitious entertainment becomes apolitical because it is just that: fiction, and as such presented as meaningless because it should be understood as apolitical (meaning that it has no implications), but it is narrative that defines the world as we know it and there is nothing as political than world view, because to get to define what is real is as close to absolute power as can be.
Or should we say it as it is: to power, nothing is real but power, but we that understand the implications of the nihilistic problem know that if nothing is real, neither is power. Fictions of power can move people, but it is those fictions that can be rewritten at will, not the world. If I identify as a nihilist it is not to say that the rain isn’t real, but that it isn’t in the emperor’s power to open up the heavens and make it rain by will alone. The working hands that move mountains to the emperor, could also be moved by a different narrative, one that sets power to their collective hands and implements the justice they recognise lacking in the world even if justice was only a fiction they feel for.