FFF (Shove some meat into that orifice why don’t you)
The ultimate bastion of live and sanity, FUCK FUCK FUCK, yes, fuck
yes, despite sickness, the Pan of all and yes of course sexual,
cherries with a topping, chili in the KY, all perpetuation is of
hellish origin lusting after the cheese of cunts, yes driven by
fuck-demons straight to FUCK FUCK FUCK, yes fuck, fuck yes like
animals fuck, yes the smell of sex in the territorial pissings, here
is my land of my fuck, don’t you try and fuck my fucks unless count
me in anyway, playboy, lubed up and ready to embark on the grand voyage of
venereal disease and self-lubricating holes, pecks up my ass, count
me in! Asses high, a couple 55+ looking for a male, female whatnot,
have your own fuck and join the pastime-hobby-ring of fuck, thank
fuck for contraceptives, you fucking fuck the problem1 is that we all
wanna fuck at some point horny enough to blatant disregard of world
population, lust of sin, whatnots, all desire is demonic henceforth
do stop copulating and help the shortage of resources – not going to
happen – any which way things to eat end at the precise moment in
fuckspacetime when last intercourse is adjourned and mate is
devoured, no offspring henceforth, let me tell you, some snails etc are
hermaphrodites which of course adds up to mating being a complex
dance to avoid male genitals being eaten off during the act of
unspeakable vileness of course you know UNNATURAL.
What I came to cherish like happiness, LSD at my deathbed —
deathbed is spaceport or go out with a bang why not — kinda way,
you know close to being hypnotized and then die but keep reporting
from a door left open, like when I thought I was done for puking my guts
out, acids and painful convulsions, like I remembered too well: a
couple of occasions vomited blood ‘till passed out of the fatigue.
I thought this is it but no, a persistent hard-on guided me through
like a beacon of holy light there throbbing and reminds me of the
girl I fucked while she was menstruating or the other one wanted me
to lube her asshole use plan B with butter all sore in number one
‘cause of the fuckathon last night with the guy who had otherwise
been in who–the–fuck–this–kid–thinks–he–is terms wi’me
but after hearing the good news all genial we fucked the same bitch
the boy is a man lemme buy you a beer, yes but the feeling of the
flu-scorched mucous membranes in my nostrils that fucking seared
after vomiting all the fucking banquet I devoured trying to will
myself out of getting sick, snot and saliva gathering there at the
top of the gullet and everytime I swallowed puked everything and more
contorting that wretched way and the muscles hurt sooo well ‘cause
of the high fever no way I could sleep the long minutes and hours
almost morning haven’t really slept in two days laying there on my
back cock radiating the warm memories like a summers day fuck at the
beach when nobody is watching or nevermind-too-horny-for-patience so
I grab that cock and guide me to safe haven like with a joystick
flying a helicopter land on every fucking nettle and daisy like a
bumblebee on speed take me as far away, let me dissociate with intent, but it’s me does the tugging
and coming hence must not be dying riddled with these fetishes and what
if I am straight to hell ridiculous methinks and chooo tugging away
like wee boat all engine tug this monstrous thing through disease and
death the valley of shadows and whatnot distracting like dire
Vicious pray to Sid
Like praying, hands together, fingers crossed to make a pipe to smoke
a joint, sniff butane from a cheap lighter, He, the idol of ferocity,
like in a posture of prayer, but let me do it in a schoolyard wearing
His iconic posture on a shirt-back maybe ten or so years of age but snarling
like a rabid dog puking the black foam of the first overdose, bowing all the way
down in reverence to Him, the vicious that peed himself on the nod in
a TV interview, Nancy screaming you did it again but forgetting and
forgiving as if immediately and going on about who was who and
really, I pray again with this, my commitment, age of six maybe seven
holy shit from a plastic bag like a vocal sac some animals have
developed, a part of their anatomy containing smudges of darkbrown
leather glue, a new species engendered to master the conditions in
the slums of Soweto with blank bloodred eyes, my eyes there my
display of ferocity I pray in shreds of a shirt grimy stinking still
display the insignia, second hand words NY Rangers that now prey in
the shadows and gutters for scraps like gold scarce thus precious,
though illiterate to know what words stand for there and why.
He, that had undies grimy enough to throw the coppers off of looking
into Johnny’s stash, knickers next in line, look up to such
determination, let it go, Hey-Ho, off to NOWHERE and spit at the dogs
growling in the pit, play that funky gospel whiteboy, spit at the
dogs cowering in that boiling churning pit, needles and pins, leather
jackets, no longer cheap Doc Marten’s boots™, hairdo of the proud
Iroquois warrior, the ferocity of my prayer, spoken in harsh tongues
of imminent frustration, tune into me on the wavelength of despair, I
that grow out of hatred resurgent and current, loathing, loathing,
Du påpeker hvordan vi faktisk er historieskriver
(You ask how we could actually be writing history)
You should be fed to the living dead of Nairobi
– Darkthrone
how can they be praying to icons of I collected pieces of His skull
and brain, fried some of the brain and ate it, made a necklace out of
the pieces, He had written “sorry about the mess” on a note – a
true icons goodbye – pray to a picture of the very mess taken
first thing before the fucking authorities were called in, that was
determination, slit his wrists, veins open the right way, to indicate
high serious tone, plus a few major veins under the knee, then a
shotgun to the mouth to make a point, not a petty cry for help like
most sorry attempts, you don’t fucking try to die AGAIN, you
fucking do it! Pray through loathing and frustration, healthy teeth
or not, welfare state this is, not a third world country judged by
the teeth like the fucking UK, shoot the complacent arrogant bearer of
the gift horse to the fucking head we don’t want your help, keep
your infested vessels of slobbering genial hope to your fucking
selves, you with your fucking toothless gods, at least Allah still
has teeth, suicide bombers and mobs wrought to homicidal rage ye cast
that stone and prove thy worthiness but a fucking hole in the world
just the same, a fucking gap like the holy trinity, I pray rather
with a lighter to my nose, nevermind what fucking unity there could
never be but ashes, ashes, stale buds, why is there a cigarette butt
in my vomit? Who can tell, not your fucking whimpgod all jovial and
nice like
the word used ta mean fucking always smiling the kid is stupid, too
much glue.
Raise that fist feeling the stale rush again and again for nothing,
He went NOWHERE after stabbing that cunt Nancy to death, well she
asked for it, she did, that was LOVE, you know but we still pray to
him after a free school dinner, disgusting, like it used to be in the
eighties, the regression then, outsourcing now, bubbles bursting, how
mommy and daddy can’t understand they ate such vile shit did they?
Packed in that goo, vacuum jelly potatoes keep for ages, meat and
meatlike substances, maltodextrin added to make good n’ tasty-like
substances almost nourishing, I display a loud and unclear FUCK IT as
I pray with toilet refresher capsules stolen from the pissoirs of the
Santa Claus Hotel Rovaniemi in my palms, sniffing that gap in the
world. Dissolve all the useless fury grunting and growling my last
words until the words drop dead out of disinterest and misuse but
hear me out when I’m still on like mass produced CD evolving on the
sheer force of profit, fuck me with that exploited filth like a
misguided missile bomb a fucking nursery I don’t care, set the
trashbarricades on fire, skate to the true MAYHEM, not some posers,
wimps the bunch of them, fuck you up for the hell of it like in that
movie we saw and when I was on the nod last week was it I saw it
again you know, the way I could play innit, twas like GTA and bunch
ov weird stuff are u holding anythinn? Think like you know the milky
blue stuff when u mix Dormicum™ and Subutex™ or Tem Getzik™ in
the syringe that ud be grand right about now knock the rebellion out
of me like baby-teeth with an army boot and when we meet again ole
chum you see my prosthetic eye turned all wrong and you can see it on
my face I’m on heavy medication, probably for schizophrenia, you
can tell, I’m not the first to end up this way, sorry man, see you
around, circling the holes in the world.
That’s just it the gangrenous human darkness tangible like a fucking
war to annihilation and imminent defeat, internecine and absurd, a gorge in the flesh of
social consciousness spreading with the persistence of death the
world is an object, there’s no objective reality, so fuck it, fuck
it hard while there’s still soft tissue that gives in when you stab
it for the sake of all that is subjective like pleasure and truth is
there to be fucked profusely you know, the slow crawling realisation
that lifts its head insistently revealing truths about my soul that
make me nauseous, weary and certain. Yes, I could have grown to
muster the cruelty and senseless loathing that allow for me to manage
all methods of torture and oppression, rape, humiliation, whim and
calculation. I still could if I just let go of the hurt all victims
feel deprived of subjectivity and reduced to crawl on maimed feet and
mangled fingers. An individual deprived of a soul like animals
produced as objects without any fuss of emotions I have no individual
soul outside this world is my soul, alone for now, and when I’m
fucked hard enough I’ll yield all the pain just to survive. Let me
let go and I’ll show up, despite all your barred windows and
private armies, trust me to be realized there with a vicious intent
hard-on and addictions that could reduce Gandhi to homicidal rage
justlikethat. I trust you to know me like I know what I am never had
a name.
What an everclear-shitstormy weather, he thought, slagheap of
mistrust caving in. My turn to scram, that’ll teach ‘em trying
to annex me with their sanctified rhetoric of `Love me like you
should but just can’t or don’t want to out of sheer lack of
commitment´. I am of just mind alright, just thoughts in my mind
perplexed by the ambivalence of their god-word `Love´. For aeons I
have humbly served and burned at the stakes. Now my shit has boiled
in my bowls to disperse bombastically exploding, I’ll annex them
all under my grimy Fuck.
We’ll call it atavistic, I have the animal at my back, backing me
up with reptilian glee, mammalian growls and brutally forged
stainless steel, interracial and international mutations stimulated
hyperactive global amok if you drive us to the corner and beyond, we
will not go quietly off of the cliff into extinction. Quantum randomness
is on our side probability of tumultuous weather rising as roughly
estimated quasi-classical planetary atmosphere has its own way of
fucking with us, enough to spill you my soul is a wound down to the
core, the rift between continents, Strange ancient life sprouts
there, fucking with my Fuck or cloning itself contorting in orgasmic
My Fuck is sung to the hum of chaos and distortion, dancing to the
jazz of white noise I find me new faces and forms to commit them all
to blood is mightier than the sword. I am, of course, a 100%
guaranteed product of all natural and organic, you can’t call me
alien without going transcendental, fleeing off of the faces of all
known worlds, leave me to my earthly oblivion, to Fuck my Fucks, I
sit plunk on the face of this earth, the earth of my Fuck. You can’t
help it, without demeaning to Fuck my Fucks you would’ve to go
transcendental, fly off of the cliff to your paradise/my extinction,
take that leap of faith I would want to call unnatural, your bluff,
if you wasn’t born out of my Fuck but you have entered this world
through a Fuck-hole haven’t you?
Just can’t breach my spineless Fuck that easy with your testimony
of decent human coitus should only be a necessary evil, you vile Cunt
oozing stale decorum piss dripping down the doughy white skin of your
thighs, the very thighs that like columns support the pediment of
Pussy, but in your pantheon the oracle hath played the same record of
hope through abstaining and misery millennia after millennia I’d
say gassed-out on gastrointestinal pressure, like uncle Bill
Burroughs before his enema, too prudish to let god’s wind blow,
fart to the greater glory of my Fuck. That’s what you get holding
back an enema too long.
Thus anointed to feel the scabs and sores of the Universe,
transcending to godly realms to face the AbsoluteBeing™ in holy
communion I face constipation, the eternal icon of resignation,
indeed, the ascetics suffer this sublime state here personified. So I
articulate the only question valid on this moment of ultimate
illumination: Why is it that I am supposed to deny and punish the
physical body in order to reach the divine dimensions? And is it not
stillness my question is received with, silence like always – no,
providence is irritated with sudden bowl movements and politely exits
to vacate. (What fertile scat must that divine offal be beyond
comparison in this garden known to man.) It is just plain nonsense to
deny the body and the hungers of stomach and groin in order to be
free and see the creation clearly. No, when the cock ariseth thou
shalt greet it with affirmations and gentle affections and thus thou
shalt gain a moment of freedom to see what hideous misuse our FUCK
has suffered.
And perhaps see that the illusions of breakthrough, of pushing
through suddenly, are only illusions; progress is gyration, slightly
winding circular motion, almost indistinct but still: an immensely
tight-curled spiral, revolving in revolutions of heart wrenching
repetition, rise and fall, becoming and becoming eaten. We might be
sudden in the cosmic scale of things but how many times have we been
wiped away and how many times has life begun from scraps? How many
times have we wiped ourselves away? How many histories lost for us to
learn from? How many great gaping holes left there somewhere where
there used to be worlds?
And when was it that our experience of the world turned to
consciousness? And how many times have we vowed not to make the same
mistakes again but then and again Death settles into our hearts and
minds with all the parasitic force of an obsession. We give it life
and eagerly divide sections of the land to nurture it. And it will
grow again like a plant, a vine climbing from the moist folds of the
black soil that makes this earth ours to plant life in, but we plant
Death’s seeds. Until all we can think of will once more be how to
die and all we can see will be the face we drew for the opposite of
Death, an eternal person that allows for all persons to be infinite.
And this person then paves the way, leads us to insist that the world
has sprung from the ego and not the other way around. Again we will
pour all our efforts into a desperate attempt to outlaw the fact that
the world persists despite our finiteness.
But the thing is rather that a detail is more than eternity, you see
me writing this down again as if just realised but no, this is
reinvention, I’m here to relive everything and more like the
details, every small thing and just one single memory would be enough
to exist on, one day, a moment, something discovered between rocks in
a river, an underwater plant like a light green tip of spruce branch
hovering amid algae. A perception of a detail is more than eternity;
patterns, stereotypes are, like larval ideals, gods unfolding:
democracy is, among other things, also an imposition of a stereotype,
a constant rite enacted to affirm and enforce universes through
consensus as diversity decreases until there is only one world, one
universe reached through compromising everything under the homogeny
of the majority. For a universe it is the same whether it is imposed
by the tyranny of the masses or a consensus of commonly shared
antipathies projected on to a tyrant. A universe, when imposed,
starts to function like an organism trying to perpetuate itself
through the processes of evolution; mutation and metamorphosis.
A universe will then sprout offshoots and scions diversifying beyond
what single mind it ever hoped to have achieved, (a detail is always
more than single, if isolated it becomes a sign without reference)
and as a rule has to succumb to being shattered into a multiverse, as
a rule prevailing against all totalitarianism and homogeny, the
determined decisive agreement always falling to schizophrenia all due
to the trend like nature of rising universes that like the words of
the Onegods™ proclaiming their perpetuity and insisting on absolute
conformity, delimiting existence and experience but subsiding into
their impossibility, passing by like sudden flares of blinding light
that leave an ebbing stamp on the retina.
My poor eyes thus victimized by exhorting trauma but victimisation is
an evident part of this process, the truth is a matter of coercion –
like my message here, and sown with controversy all boils down to
propaganda. The singled out destiny of a victim is of course tragic
but other such offshoots have rooted deeper and resist weeding out.
Rebellion criticizes the inevitability of victimisation insisting
that suffering could be less the law it has been as a practise
affirmed to maintain conformity within established regimes. Now look
at the victims, look at them writhing, wade through the shallow
waters, the loose pitch-black sands of the Nebular shores. Feel the
intense sadness in the cold colourless twilight, look at the stunted
skeletal trees with roots like fingers stronger than stone that for
longer than human infiltrated and split the porous coal-like rock
that makes this place rise above the seas. And the rock had for even
longer marched down from there yonder where the land gathers its
momentum. There the silhouettes of ominous peaks and shapes dance in
the searching light of a small and distant sun. Days go out like
Here, as thick as a wall, the presence of the crushed and suffocated
that once lived that were forced to give in their claim and surrender
to this pitch-black sadness of unbeing. Constant in this landscape of
vague murky horizons fallen like petals on a lunar field, their hurt
can never be erased – that lump in the throat, the weight on your
chest that accumulates. Why should suffering be accepted, why should
the victims have to reconcile with the roles assigned, reconcile with
their oppressors and let them do their thing?
The Initiation
Fuck, man, you gotta go mad, preferably ape-shit but thank Fuck for
it when it comes, the madness, you know, when there’s no more room
to back down, it’ll convince you like no truth ever. Be sure you’ll
have to swallow enough shit to reach that state far side beyond, but
that’s the point beyond which you can no longer submit, and if they
push you further, they’ll find what they’d got out of you in the
first place was nothing.
You mount the dining table like it was only yesterday you were
jumping from branch to branch, tree to tree, spill your guts about
the ripples in the superstrings that broke the symmetry of
inexistence and subsequently brought the universe into being, throw
your food on the wall, brake a few plates, belch out a snarling smile
and triumphantly step up to fill the gaping silence in the wake of
your antipathy.
It’s the Fuck that flows in your veins and for a moment there you
lived up to it and can never again adhere to the decorum that
strangled you to fucken rancour, nothing but absurd, this decency,
this insistence on “peace and harmony” from which you are thus
extricated, like cured from a bad fever. Cured dry of that sobby
shit, yes. And thus reborn and baptised by Fuck, you know what you
are never had a name. Fuck baptises all the nameless assholes of the
world that have been deprived of such privileges by the gods of
promiscuity, gives the thing back its nameless essence. Fuck does.
Not like it’s clean and simple, just off to new
modes of being, all it took was just this one moment of sobriety but
you will always say yes, when your name is called and step up proud
of your civilized manner, of how you can say it, yes, to all the
madness dressed up as decency, you know, succumbing to earthly
refusal and deny yourself why don’t you, you’re free to choose
any which way, so you choose something else in stead – why
not choose what you are? – it’s all
the same in the end you think I wore this fucking burka all my life
so better wear it to kingdom come just in case and it does keep me
safe but they don’t mention what the women get if the men get
virgins ripe for plucking or think that I should tend to my two-car
garage, house, two kids, a cat and a dog, mortgage and a wife that
cleans up swell after every pout of manic depression because that’ll
earn me a spot in paradise with my two-car garage, house, two kids, a
cat and a dog, the a wife just the way I like it ‘cause that’s
what I’m supposed to want anyhow, only decent you know, all in my
name. I answer to my decent name, not some nameless Fuck, lest I
become an object, I prefer being a decent subject to the witchcraft
of economy and spiritual capital all earned and tried in the wheel of
assembly lines, advertisement and showbiz, every cut-throat biz there
is, you know, we’re no cannibals here this is the US of A decent
name, no matter what some fucking gobby nameless punk says, after all
he can’t deny being christened ‘cause that’s what they do to
kids in civilized countries, must have a decent name.
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